Whenever we hold a SIGA air-tight construction workshop, one of the first questions is inevitably: “how long will this stuff last?”
It’s an impossible question to answer with any certainty. It’s certainly a very long time. SIGA has seen plenty of 20+ year applications getting new work which allows inspections of old work, and the old work is doing fine. It tests well in rapid aging laboratories, but as we all can understand, there are factors come into play over the long haul and there are going to be cases where building movement, saturation and building damage preclude anything from working; Let alone gaps simply filled with spray foam or caulking.
SIGA products won’t become embrittled as the solvents dry out like you often see happening with rubber based, or duct tapes. There are no solvents or VOC’s in SIGA. Because of that, all but of one of the SIGA products have no shelf life. Having no shelf life supports the long life span expected of the products.
Try it… What’s learned by trying the SIGA system of air-tight sealing tapes is that it’s a new approach that gives a more reliable result. The standard 60mm (2 1/4″) wide SIGA tape will provide an 30mm (1 1/8″) wide seal on both sides of the joint. You’ll find so much adhesive on the tape that it will literally “move” with the substrate it’s applied to. It won’t tear. What this means is that all of the building movement that it will be subjected to… It can handle without failure. The comparison to make is to a caulk or foam that will dry out and not move with the building as it “ages in place”. It’s the long-term reliability that is the reason that tapes like SIGA have come to dominate the European construction market.
Many have found… SIGA Products are nice for the project and the job site as well: There are no VOC’s in any of the products to off gas as you use them, or later in the new air-tight envelope for your customer. At the end of the airsealing stage of slab, walls, windows, or whatever needs sealing, there is no dumpster full of empty plastic caulking tubes or messy foam cans on their way to a land fill. The only thing left are cardboard roll ends, strips of release paper, and a cardboard box or two… all of which can go into the paper recycling bin.
Exterior Tape: Use Wigluv tape for any exterior application. Its intended for the exterior and includes UV resistance. It’s permeability will allow water in the framing to dry through the tape. This helps with cold weather projects where the frame freezes at night since the water can dry through – and not form ice below the tape and “pop” the joint. Wigluv is used to tape sheathing joint, flash window openings since it’s available in up to 9″ wide, connect the wall sheathing to a slab or stem wall by using Dockskin premier to stick to concrete. It can be used below freezing. When applied on wet walls or frozen surfaces, resist the urge to test it by pulling it off after applying it. When the substrate is still wet or frozen, it can be pulled off. Give it a day to “set” and then try it.
Interior Tape: Use Rissan, Sicral, Corvum for interiors. Rissan is the mainstay with a flexible backing that can both tape flat sheathing joints or wrap toughly around wires and pipe penetrations. It’s available in widths up to 6″ and easy to apply. Sicral is the paper back tape that is intended for long runs joining interior membrane joints. It has a stiff paper backing that allows it to comes off the straight and be torn by hand.
Tape Dispenser: The Siga dispenser works on all of the Wigluv, Rissan, Sicral 60mm wide tapes and the two Corvum tapes. It’s great to be able to carry and cut the tapes with one hand whether you on a ladder or on the ground.
Membranes: Majvest is used for exterior walls. It a very high quality weather resistive barrier. Use Wigluv 60 at the joints and overlaps. Tape any staple penetrations. Majcoat is the heavy roof membrane. It intended to protect vented sheathing layers used in metal or vented assemblies. It is not intended to be used directly under asphalt shingles. Tape joint and staple penetrations with Wigluv 60.
Primur Adhesives: Intended to join membranes to concrete and other materials, the Siga Primur system is one of the only systems that provides an extremely strong, flexible bond that is completely non toxic. It is amazingly sticky and will stick to most building materials. There are two types of Primur: uncured in a sausage or cartridge and the cured “Primur on the roll”. The uncured in cartridge or Sausage pack is intended for interior application and will take a day to dry. It’s not like most adhesives where you apply it and immediately joint the layers. With Primur, you apply a bead, let it cure, and then join or add the additional material. Once done, the joint is extremely flexible and can move with the building. The cured Primur on the Roll is suitable for exterior joints suck as a Majvest wall membrane to a concrete slab or stem wall. It is pre-cured and the application can be compelled immdeiately. Both primur systems are ideal in crawlspace application to connect a vapor barrier to concrete stem walls.
WOW! STICKY STICKY STICKY! Don’t use Siga tape temporarily. It’s really hard to get the tape off any surface! don’t use it as a plug for door hardware while doing a blower door test, or any other application where you have to remove it on a finish layer. If you need a solvent, try 3M Citrus Cleaner. This tape will give you a new meaning of the term “sticky”.
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